Wednesday, December 29, 2010
1st Service of 2011

Saturday, December 25, 2010
A Dream Come True Christmas Eve Service
As is the custom, we ended the service with singing Silent Night as we lit each others candles. It was a powerful moment.
The only thing we forgot to tell everyone was that there is not a church service on Sunday, December 26th. If you're reading this please pass this along to anyone you might think will show up on Sunday:-)
We will be back at Eli Pinney Elementary on Sunday, January 2nd at 10:00am for a family service with children three years and up in the room with us.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas Eve's A Coming!

Sunday, December 19, 2010
A Very Special Sunday
At the beginning of our church plant I told the congregation which Sunday it was for the first 15 weeks. Then I told them I wouldn't say it again until the 100th service. It was fun for me to end my message early and invite all the Ekids, Impact teens and their teachers to join us in the service. There were three congratulation videos shown: one from each of our missionaries, Matt Storer of VisionTrust International and Ryan Janosko of Campus Crusade for Christ and also one from Pastor Rick Nuzum, lead pastor of our mother church, Grace Church. I had also asked our 1st Impressions Coach, Jen Hill, to order a few cakes for the celebration and her hubby Phil to take the picture below as a memory of the day.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Lunch today at the famous Thurman Cafe

Something special @ Encounter Church
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I love a good prank:-)

I won't tell who took the picture:-)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Pics. from Sunday's service
Friday, December 10, 2010
Week #2 in Advent series

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Here at NewThing's Lead Pastor Gathering

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Heading to Kansas City, MO for NewThing lead pastor gathering
Encounter has been officially connected to the NewThing Network as an affiliate church since February of 2009.
Melissa and I were first introduced to them at the Exponential Conference in April of 2008. Our vision and values are very similar and I have enjoyed the relationships I've built over the last few years.
In fact, the place I'm going is where my church planting coach, Troy McMahon, is lead pastor. Once a month he has lead a conference call for about four of us other planters. We'll all get together over the next few days and connect as a team. We're called the Mac Network:-)
A fun thing to note is that my buddy Mark Artrip is joining me for the open session all day Tuesday. It is for those interested in church planting and for those who love to lead in worship and creative arts. He and I served together at my mother church for years and his desire is to some day plant a church.
Christmas message series

Dec. 5 The Advent of Hope
Dec. 12 The Advent of Peace
Dec. 19 The Advent of Joy
Dec. 24 The Advent of Jesus
There is no morning church service on Sunday, December 26.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Christmas Party a Blast
There were just over 60 people who came out for some yummy Christmas treats, two silly games led by Chrissy & Matt Jacobs and a testimony from Scott & Bethany Schweitzer.
As a pastor it was fun for me to survey the crowd and see so much connecting going on at the game tables, over food and in the crowd during the games. Our people really enjoy being together and do such a great job of welcoming new folks. From my count there must have been just over a dozen guests among us. CLICK HERE to view a lot of funny pics. from the night.