Oops, I sorta fell off the wagon in regards to writing blog posts. Our family was down in Texas for Melissa's brother Kevin's wedding. It was a fantastic time with family and friends! I had the pleasure of officiating the wedding between Kevin and Kari. It was short and to the point with a little humor added:-)
Here's a few pics of our time: The pic. with the three gals is Melissa with her two sisters Michelle and Marcie. The one with the Kevin and Kari leaving the reception is of me smashing a fist full of rose pedals over top Kevin's head:-)
About 25 men are carpooling down to a lake house for the evening and most of Saturday. It will be a time to laugh and joke but also be challenged about the anger we have in our lives. Tonight Pat Kearney will be giving a short testimony about anger in his life as well as Adam Koloff leading in a talk about why we get angry. Tomorrow morning Michael Preininger will show us about how Jesus handled anger and I'll finish off with some practical tips on managing our anger and having the guys get into groups and look at "Five Angry Guys" from the OT. On the way down each car will be listening to an Andy Stanley message on anger to help get us prepared for the weekend. From what I see signed up to go there's a good cross section of the congregation: young adults to older men and newer guys to original launch team members. Every elder is signed up too:-) I provide pics soon.
This morning was a real delight as I was able to attend our women's brunch. Why was I, a mere man, allowed to gain entrance into the hollowed halls of these women??? Well, my wife Melissa called me and asked if I could valet cars b/c it was raining:-) I also held a baby and sat with the guest speakers husband and father. I was moral support for those two guys since they were total strangers in a sea of women. It was really neat to see our Encounter ladies and guests interact. There must have been almost 70 women there altogether. The food was great and the speaker did an excellent job talking about forgiveness.
This week we start a new series on the 10 Commandments titled, "The BIG TEN". It will be only five weeks long so a lot has to be packed into some of the weeks. Here's how it will break down:
March 6 - Worship God/No idols/Don't misuse His name
March 13 - Remember the Sabbath
March 20 - Obey Mom and Dad
March 27 - Don't kill or sleep with the wrong person
From June 1998-June 2008 I served as the Pastor of Family Ministry at Grace Church in Powell, OH. Starting July 1, 2008 I was launched with 13 other families to start a new church in the Dublin area Northwest of Columbus, OH. Melissa, my best friend and beautiful wife of 17 years, and I have lived in Dublin for 14 years and have had a great connection with the community through Olde Sawmill Elementary, Davis MS, Scioto HS, DYA sports and the two community pools. Our neighborhood has also been a super place to raise our four children: Zach-16, Abby and Sara-13, and Rachel-10.