Then Sheila informed the group about Antioch Adoption Agency out of Washington State. It's an organization that helps families adopt American children for little to no cost. This may be a group we partner with in some way in the future because many of our launch team families have a heart to foster or adopt.
With the time that
remained we had an open discussion about Biblical giving and many people shared openly their thoughts and personal experiences as God has grown them in this area.

I was able to share my heart in a number of ways and lead the group through the six key of the book, "The Treasure Principle", by Randy Alcorn.
The meeting ended with Kyle Mielke laying out the vision for our offerings once we begin to recieve them in January 2009. The simple breakdown by percentages is as follows:
40% Personnell (my salary, future staff, interns)
20% Operations (office and ministry supplies)
20% Facilities (rental, future land/building)
20% Give Away (15%-missionaries,5%-church plant)
Ultimately it is all for ministry and all the Lord's. We are HIS stewards.
1 comment:
Hey- Can we get in the 5% church plant budget category!? Hah! Seriously...looks great. I like the mission oriented breakdowns.
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