From my vantage point I get to see a whole group of people, some who've been close friends for years and others who've joined within the last month, become another expression of the Body of Christ. We are a microscopic part of the Church worldwide. Our goal is to bring glory to God by "Seeking HIS Kingdom First" in all we do.
This group of men, women and children have done a marvelous job doing the work of the ministry setting up chairs, putting signs up, audio/video equipment, a children's ministry called E-kids, a coffee area, a welcome center, and also friendly greeters and ushers. It's amazing to me that we started out with our Ekids ministry ready to receive children birth-5th grade. And the guys leading our worship time have done so with humility as they direct us to reach up to our great God.
I am a blessed pastor to have this many commited people to the cause of reaching Dublin for Christ.
Here are some pics. from last Sunday: