God has blessed us with a great location and kind renters.It was a real pleasure to speak with seven of the first time visitors.
Our first four week series of messages is titled, with. and is about relationships. A big thank-you goes out to the artist videos done by the team at Community Christian Church in Naperville, Ill.
Here's a bunch of pics. from the morning.




Proud of you man! Praying for this adventure.
Great work, Sean (and team!)...thanks for sharing. How exciting. Looks like a beautiful venue and I can tell from the pics. that you guys have thought a lot about an attractive presentation, guest welcome, and a bright and inviting space. God is and will continue to move in/through Encounter Church!
Praise the Lord for showing the way to the new church body. May He continue to be glorified as I am sure He was at this service.
-Matt Storer www.VisionTrust.org
Exciting stuff! God will bless you guys...
The MAT group rejoices with you with continued prayers and support from your family at Grace Church.
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