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This week our boys got to play the same team twice. First on Monday AWAY a
nd then Wednesday at HOME. Monday we beat Herit
age Hilliard MS 21-6. I didn't get to see the final score tonight, but we were up 15-0 before the 1st Quarter ended. Here some pics. from both games:
Yesterday I had the pleasure of finishing our study through the book of Titus. Paul in his letter to Titus is instructing him on how to shepherd the new churches on the island of Crete. Having only 46 verses this little book packs a big punch. It's like a pocket-sized instruction manual for right living in in the church, right living in society and a guide for how to recognize a man who is qualified to hold the office of elder.In chapter three, right after being told that we should obey our earthly authorities, Paul pens a most powerful description of the Gospel. Read these words and let them sink into the depths of your soul: "4 But then God our Savior showed us His kindness and love. 5 He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of His mercy. He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit. 6 He generously poured out the Spirit upon us because of what Jesus Christ our Savior did. 7 He declared us not guilty because of His great kindness. And now we know that we will inherit eternal life." Titus 3:4-7 (NLT)Any thoughts on how this relates to your life now or in the past?
We were at home last night playing against Karrar MS. Up 'til then Karrar had not lost a game yet. Our boys changed all that with a decisive win. In the picture below is Ryan Janosko, one of Zach's Eteen leaders at Encounter. He talked to me a few weeks ago about coming to one of Z's games. It was fun to hang with him while cheering for Davis. Playing right corner, Zach made a great tackle of a running back making a break for it.As you can see in the pic. the score was 36-6.Thanks to my new bud Chuck Confar for taking the pic. and e-mailing it to me so quick. See ya next week Chuck!
I forgot to mention last week that my good buddy Kyle was on to preach again. He has been one of our small group leaders from the very beginning and has also recently taken over the role of small group leader Coach. That means he is meeting monthly with each small group leader to check in on how they're doing, give them advice and be a compassionate listening ear to their needs, joys, and trials.Kyle preached from Titus 2:1-15 and emphasized how important it is to have a mentor and to be a mentor in someones life.If you'd like to hear the message he gave CLICK HERE.This Sunday I'll be finishing up the book of Titus talking about how Christ followers are to live in society in regards to governmental authority and the importance of the Gospel in our daily lives.
I've really enjoyed going to Zach's football games. Seeing som
e of the same people each week in the stands is something I look forward to. Tonight was Zach's third game and his first one at home. Their record is now 3-0.One of his DYA baseball buddies, Kip, came to watch the game tonight with his mom. He goes to Sells MS. It was fun for Melissa and I to catch up with his mom.
It was so cool to have Rick with me today in the service. I liked that he got to see firsthand some of what the Lord is doing through the 10+ families who were commissioned and prayed over at Grace Church over a year ago. We were talking today about why the Church has elders and what qualifications are needed in the men who are to shepherd God's Church. Titus 1:5-16 was our main text with references to I Timothy 3:1-15 which also contains a list of qualifications.
Tomorrow morning we meet again as coaches, leaders and apprentice-leaders for Leadership Community (LC). We do this once a month as a special time for connecting, worshipping, communicating, casting vision and breaking into ministry groups. It also allows us to set-up for Sunday morning a day early. That's nice:-)
This Sunday we will be in our second week of four in the book of Titus. Last Sunday I gave an overview of the book and spoke about leadership in general. This week is specifically on the qualifications for those who will shepherd the believers at Encounter Church as Elders and Deacons. Titus 1:6-9 and I Timothy 3:1-15 are the main texts that prescribe what they must and must not be as people. I've asked my friend, mentor and old boss, Pastor Rick Nuzum, to join me this Sunday and give some perspective on the process of a church installing elders and deacons for the first time. I served on staff with him 10 years ago when Grace Church went through this same process.Also this Sunday we will here from my friend Tyler Flinn who spoke to us a year ago about tutoring west of downtown Columbus in Franklinton. I did it every Tuesday over my lunch hour with a 2nd grade boy named Scott at Dana Elem. It starts in October and ends in May and is only once a week for an hour. We'll show a video about it as well.Hope to see you Sunday.
Last night was my son Zach's first middle school football game. He's been practicing with the team since July 20th and is a wide receiver. Many guys tried out for the Davis MS 7th grade team; all of them made it on. The coaches are doing a good job giving all the guys an opportunity to shine. Last nights game was against McCord MS just down the street. We beat them 38-8. Zach made a good block which allowed one of the full backs to get a touch down. It's been nice to meet and hangout with a new group of parents. It makes me miss those summer baseball parents I spent so much time with from April-July.Zach's next game is against Worthington Kilbourne on Wednesday, Sept. 9th. Yikes, that happens to be my 14 year wedding anniversary. I'd better get moving on a plan!