Today was a neat day to be a parent, especially with regards to my 12 year old son Zach. He's been working on a scien
ce project that has
to do with forensics and I got to see him interview a detective at the Dublin police headquarters. My friend Mike Epperson is Dublin's Chief of Police and he helped set the meeting up. When we arrived at the Justice Center we first met with Mike for about ten minutes and then he brought us to Detective Gilleland. After Zach asked him a half dozen questions we headed to the crime lab. We were shown some pretty cool stuff but Det. Gilleland went out of his way to say that what we see on TV is bunk when it comes to CSI stuff.

Right after the interview Zach and I headed home and at
e a quick supper and then I dropped him off at Scioto HS where his middle school band was going to put on a concert. He's part of the percussion section and therefore gets to play a number of instruments. If you look closely on the left hand side of the pic. Zach is the third guy standing up. After the 7th and 8th grade bands played we got the treat of hearing the Scioto High School
band. They were fast, loud and accurate with their moves and music. The girls really enjoyed watching it.

This is not meant to be a really mean slam...but it looks as though my son may choose to be a "band nerd" over a football star when he gets to Scioto HS. Oh well, it's his life and not mine.
Any thoughts from the three of you who read this blog?:-)
As a woman married to a band nerd, they're not all that bad.
We have a friend on Scioto HS Band and he really enjoys his time and the places they travel. Hope that helps! Besides I think being a football star would be waaaaay harder and you would have to be good to be played.
Hey there Shea family! I actually know three people in the band myself and two of them played on the volleyball team I helped coach last year.
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