On March 14th in our morning service we first informed our people that Sydney Arena, one of Encounter Church's high schoolers, was going on a seven week missions trip called, Operation Barnabas (OB). That morning Sarah Knepper and Stacie Fay, two gals helping to lead different OB teams, told the congregation what Sydney was getting herself into. Then on May 30th Beth Fields interviewed Sydney and prayed over her concerning the trip. Now she and about 35 other high schoolers are driving around in a non-air conditioned blue school bus with "OPERATION BARNABAS" written on the side. It's in the backdrop of their team photo below:-)
If you would like to follow her ministry teams daily blog CLICK HERE.Below is a picture of Syd with two of her teammates, Jessica and Tony, talking to a man about Christ in downtown Philadelphia.
If you would like to hear firsthand about Sydney's trip she will be sharing about her experience on August 8th in our morning service.Please pray that she will have the strength to endure the long days of work and ministry and that this stretching experience will grow her faith in the Lord.
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