Monday, August 23, 2010

1st Day of School Fall 2010

Wow, it's actually here. My kids are already at their first day of school for the 2010-2011 school year. As usual we got individual pics. of them and one group shot too. It will be fun in years to come comparing the differences as they've grown.
Rachel turns 8 in less than two weeks and is going into the 2nd grade. Abby & Sara are 10 and are finishing elementary school this year in 5th grade. And Zach will be 14 before the year ends and is an eighth grader.
All of them really still enjoy being part of the church plant and have each made new friends there and kept good ties with the ones who came originally.
Athletically this Fall, Zach is playing in his second year of football, the twins will be giving volleyball a try (pray for their coach:-) and Rachel will begin weekly gymnastics classes.
I'm sure as the year progresses you'll see and hear all about these different activities in our families lives.

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