Last night me and a few others headed down to OSU's campus to
attend Campus Crusade for Christ's first Real Life gathering of the year. Wow, was it ever powerful. When we walked up to Independence Hall around 7:45pm there were already a few hundred students hanging out in front of the building. Once 8:00pm rolled around though they all headed into the auditorium. The place was packed! I think it holds 700. Josh Howard, who has guest led worship at Encounter, started the evening off with the Real Life band. We sang two o
r three songs. Then a funny guy who is their MC/host came up and had people fill out info. cards and then handed out some prizes by drawing peoples names. After that a gal named Holly told her "real life" story, basically a testimony about how God had helped her through her first few years at school. Then my friend and the director of OSU's CCC ministry spoke to the group. His name is Bacho Bordjadze. The evening ended with three more worship songs. It was a packed two hours. We also got to see a number of young adults connected to Encounter and our m
other church Grace Church in Powell.BTW - the reason some of us went down to see Real Life in action is b/c we're serving as hosts on Thurs, Oct. 21st. Encounter is one of nine affiliate churches coming alongside CCC at OSU. Our own Ryan Janosko serves on the full-time staff there.
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