Last Friday night, January 14th was the
best party I've ever been too. Melissa invited everyone from Encounter
Church, some staff and members
from Grace Church, our mother church, our next door and across the street neighbors and my parents from Canada. How did she do it? Well... Melissa and I have long had a rule in our relationship that we can only lie to each other when it's for the benefit of the other person. (i.e. when I surprised her for our 10 year anniversary with a cruise and had monies slowly taken out of my paycheck for eight months. She does our finances so it was hard to get around her:-).
She kept telling me she was behind the eight ball and was going to do something after my actual birth date. She said it enough times that I really believed her.
The problem with that was that I planned to go on what has been coined as the, "Sean Spoelstra Diet", starting at midnight of my birthday. What's the "Sean Spoelstra Diet" you ask? a nutshell I'm not having any pop, candy, dessert or eating after 8:00pm for a year. Crazy, I know. I'm the guy who's always got candy on him and pop, dessert and eating after 8pm are my specialty. That's why it's gotta stop. See the picture? I'm the candy man:-)
Anyway the party was a blast.
My great friend Kyle Mielke out did himself by being the crazy game show host for the Family Feud, with me as the topic. Apparently survey questions had been sent out to dozens of people months ago. 
The prize for the winning team got to give me a present...what I didn't know was that present was a cream pie to the face!!! That's Kyle's wife Kristi smashing that pie into my face. She was quick to volunteer for the job. I told her a few days later that we should treat others the way we want to be treated. hehe.I loved it all. I felt very appreciated and my wife can stop lying to me now:-)