Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Fellow Church Planters

Last blog entry I highlighted a group of guys who are at various stages of planting churches. After that meeting we got together the next week for our once a month meeting. These guys range in age from 32-62 and come from many different backgrounds. One worked for the government until he retired, one writes a column for a local paper, another is a school teacher and still another a graphic designer. Two of us are full time pastors. When we get together over coffee it's to encourage eachother, share difficulties and celebrate wins.
All five of us are connected to the North Central Ohio (NCO) Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches. A quirky but quaint group of folks. Knowing that there's less than 300 Grace Brethren Churches in all of North America, it's pretty amazing to have five new one's popping up within 35 minutes of eachother!

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