Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mielke preaches for the 3rd time

I forgot to mention last week that my good buddy Kyle was on to preach again. He has been one of our small group leaders from the very beginning and has also recently taken over the role of small group leader Coach. That means he is meeting monthly with each small group leader to check in on how they're doing, give them advice and be a compassionate listening ear to their needs, joys, and trials.

Kyle preached from Titus 2:1-15 and emphasized how important it is to have a mentor and to be a mentor in someones life.
If you'd like to hear the message he gave CLICK HERE.

This Sunday I'll be finishing up the book of Titus talking about how Christ followers are to live in society in regards to governmental authority and the importance of the Gospel in our daily lives.

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