Thursday, August 25, 2011

LC #3 for 2011

This Saturday morning is our third Leadership Community of 2011.
We decided to lower the number of LC's we had a year but added a half hour to the time. Each of the four LC's line up with one of Encounter's core values: Celebrate, Grow, Serve and Multiply. This Saturday has us talking about Serve.
As is normal, we'll begin our time with a few worship songs and prayer. Then we usually have the elders communicate a few things or update our leaders about items that will eventually be announced to the larger congregation. I feel that leaders should be in the know and part of the decisions made. There's greater by in that way and they deserve/need to know b/c of the time, talents and treasure they put forth towards the mission and vision.
Usually we have a guest speaker but Saturday Melissa and I are leading the teaching time. We'll be having the group take a personality survey and talk through the various pros and cons of each type. It should be quite fun and informative.
Then, again as usual, we'll break into our ministry teams for specific training, encouragement, connecting and prayer.
It's a worth while two and a half hours together as leaders once a quarter.

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