Friday, August 19, 2011

Zach and his drums

Since seventh grade our son Zach has enjoyed being a percussionist. In middle school he played everything from bells, chimes, acoustic drums and even tympani. There is middle school he was part of both orchestra and jazz band. When the decision to enter high school came wih band or football, he chose band. After being tested by high school staff, Zach was given the highest rating among his peers as a percussionist.
I have to admit...the thought of my son being in the band instead of playing football was..."huh?!". But after hearing that last weeks band camp would have the students marching seven to eight miles on the field each day for six days, I believe it's a real sport:-)
Zach is one of just three guys playing the tenors. That is the five drum instrument that hangs out front of his body with shoulder hooks. These drums weight just shy of 40lbs. and Zach weighs in at 130. So he's carrying, marching, and playing something that's almost a third of his weight! Yikes, no wonder he's pooped after each practice under the blazing sun.
Anyway, we're looking forward to seeing the Scioto High School band put all their hard work into action on the field during the Friday night varsity football games this Fall.

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