Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall, Family and Fruit

Like I said in the last entry, we have family in town. B/c of their late through the night drive there was quite a bit of resting by some:-) My young nephews Caleb, Sam and Ben really like it that there Uncle Sean has a jeep. So I took them all off-roading under the section of 270 by Riverside Dr. and Emerald Pkwy. They giggled and my children screamed:-)
Last night was also an evening of playing Settlers of Catan. We got 3 games in before calling it quits right after midnight. We're prepping for a few more games once the kids are "settled".
This afternoon all 12 of us headed over to Lyn's Farms to apple pick. We got a bunch of Rome & Sun Crisp and my sweet wife already baked two apple pies. One is already gone:-)
I'm looking forward to our church service tomorrow. We're in week #3 of our 5 week series in the book of Proverbs. Following the service is communion. We do communion somewhat differently than many other churches. We actually have a threefold communion: a meal, footwashing, and the bread & cup. It takes about an hour and a half. For a full description with some pics. you can go to our church website and click on Beliefs.


Mike said...

You guys play Settlers?? It's so on!

Sean S. Spoelstra said...

Oh ya McCaman! It's becoming Encounter's official game of choice.