Sunday, September 28, 2008

Launch Team Field Trip to Vista

Over the next five months the Encounter Church Launch Team will be visiting a number of churches in the Columbus area. Some are newer church plants themselves and others are larger and more established. This morning we went to VISTA, a plant in Dublin, OH from Heritage Christian Church in Westerville, OH. I've come to know and appreciate the lead pastor Mike Smith (pictured) over the last eight months. He and I have some similar past ministry experiences and both our wives are very ministry savvy. It was nice for us as a group to experience a worship service as a group. For the last month we've had our meetings but have not been singing or taking an offering. I told the group to really have their eyes open for things they liked or didn't like about the service, the welcome area, children's area, etc. After the service we all headed over to Scioto Park to eat a picnic lunch and debrief the morning. Alot of good discussion came out of our time together about how we would like to see our services done.

VISTA is doing a great job proclaiming the truth about Christ to the people in Dublin. Next Sunday morning's launch team meeting topic is SERVE. This is when we'll begin forming the ministry teams for Encounter Church. Exciting stuff!!!

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